Monograph: Discover our Interactive Sheets

Interactive Sheet: Nuclear techniques to fight marine-coastal contamination

Marine contamination, unlike water contamination in general, focuses on human-made products entering the ocean. Although ocean water covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface, we have only begun understanding how human activity affects this aquatic habitat in the last few decades.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Water Desalination with Nuclear Techniques

According to the UN, access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene are fundamental to humanity. High water stress can have devastating consequences.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Nuclear Solutions to Plastic Pollution

It is estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish. Plastic pollution hinders sustainable development; it is a threat to ecosystems; endangers food safety; and affects human health.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Women scientists who contributed to the periodic table

Some are part of history and others are great unknowns, but without any of their contributions, the periodic table would not be as we know it.Read more

Interactive Sheet: The Main Buildings of a Nuclear Power Plant

A nuclear power plant is an industrial facility that generates electricity from a nuclear fission chain reaction inside the vessel of a nuclear reactor.Read more

Interactive Sheet: The Main Components of a PWR Nuclear Reactor

There are different types of nuclear reactors. However, PWR and BWR designs account for 80% of all those in operation worldwide.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Research Reactors

Nuclear research reactors make a significant contribution to scientific and technological development.Read more

Interactive Sheet: The Atom

The smallest part of a substance that cannot be chemically decomposed. Each atom has a nucleus (centre) made up of protons (positive particles) and neutrons (particles with no charge). The electrons (negative particles) move around the nucleus.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Aplications of Nuclear Technology

Apart from energy production, there are many other applications of nuclear technology in industry, food and agriculture, medicine, art, space exploration or cosmology.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Sterile Insect Technique (SIT)

It uses irradiation to sterilize male insects from species considered plagues. The sterilized insect mates with the female without impregnating her, which prevents the growth of the colony and the use of chemical insecticides.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Chicago Pile-1 Reactor

The world’s first artificial nuclear reactor. It was built on a racquetball field under the stadium’s bleachers, at the University of Chicago. The place where the first nuclear reaction took place was declared a National Historic Milestone in 1965.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Nuclear Power and Climate Change

Over the next few years it will be necessary to increase the electricity supply while at the same time mitigating the emissions that contribute to climate change. Nuclear power, with an insignificant amount of greenhouse effect emissions, is one of the best solutions to this problem.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Nuclear Technology in Environmental Protection

In their daily life, humans overexploit and contaminate Earth with disastrous consequences: climate change, loss of biodiversity or transmission of diseases. Nuclear technology offers solutions to remedy this and contribute to the healing of the planet.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Radiological Protection

The discipline that studies the effect of the doses produced by ionizing radiations, and the procedures to protect living beings from their harmful effects. The main targets are human beings and the environment.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Sources of Energy

Substances, materials and phenomena which can offer enough energy to produce it in its various forms. Light, water, wind, uranium, carbon, petroleum, etcetera… Humans utilize them mainly to produce electricity and heat.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Small Modular Reactors

Small advanced nuclear reactors with a power of up to 300 Mwe, which makes it possible to save costs and construction time. They also facilitate serial construction outside the intended site and can be assembled together to cater to the growing energy demand. Read more

Interactive Sheet: Radon

A colourless, odourless and tasteless radioactive gas that is produced by the natural radioactive disintegration of the uranium present in soils and rocks. It tends to concentrate inside buildings such as homes, schools and workplaces.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Robotics Applied to the Nuclear Sector

The use of robots is a highly efficient way of protecting the health of staff in nuclear environments and improving safety conditions. The technology allows us to carry out these often-complicated tasks with greater precision.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Woman Nuclear Scientists

For many years, dozens of brilliant women were silenced solely because of their gender. Nevertheless, many of the great discoveries in science were and are the work of women. Get to know them through this slide.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Periodic Table

When Dimitri Mendeléiev ordered the chemical elements into a table according to their physical properties, chemistry changed forever. Even though he was not awarded the Nobel for his work, a chemical element was named after him: Mendelevium (Md).Read more

Interactive Sheet: Albert Einstein

Although he had a certain difficulty to express himself, since he did not start speaking until he was three years old, he was the world’s most popular scientist thanks to his development of the Theory of Relativity, which revolutionized science as it was known up to the 20th century.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Curiosities about the Periodic Table

Discover everything behind the elements of the Periodic Table, and learn about the origin of their names, the people who discovered them, whether they are present in nature or are artificial, etcetera.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Marie Curie

A physicist and chemist born in Poland. She researched the radioactivity of uranium and discovered two new elements, polonium and radium. She was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize, and the only one to be awarded two of these prizes in different fields.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Nuclear Fuel

Uranium is a grey metallic chemical element that is almost as hard as steel and denser than lead. Its symbol is U and its atomic number is 92. It is the raw material for the manufacture of fuel for nuclear power plants.Read more

Interactive Sheet: Nobel Prize Winning Women Nuclear Scientists

Traditionally, great scientific and technological achievements have been attributed to the male gender, but it is surprising to discover some women who have seen, from the shadows, recognition of their work, including a Nobel Prize, attributed to a man.Read more