Other news

Participate in the ‘ExpressArte ConCiencia’ competition of the Institute of Corpuscular Physics

The Institute of Corpuscular Physics, through the Meitner Project, has launched the fourth edition of the ‘Express Arte ConCiencia’, a science, gender, and art competition aimed at secondary school students (compulsory and baccalaureate) and training cycles throughout Spain, and whose objective is to highlight the role of women in the world of astrophysics, nuclear physics, and particle physics.

Discovery Channel and IAEA to create educational series on nuclear science

In collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Discovery Channel will soon broadcast a series of short films to inform its more than 40 million viewers in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa about nuclear science and technology-based solutions to global problems.

The chemical element boron, the solution to one of the challenges of nuclear fusion

Boron has become the solution to prevent impurities and ash from the fusion of deuterium and tritium from affecting the fusion reaction, decreasing its performance and interacting with the plasma and the mantle lining the inside of the reactor vacuum chamber.

IAEA designates first collaborating centre in Cuba for coastal and marine health issues

Cuba already works closely with the IAEA through the CEAC. This new centre will strengthen collaboration and study, using nuclear and isotopic techniques, marine-coastal ecosystems, harmful algal blooms, ocean acidification and carbon sequestration in the Latin American and Caribbean region.

Google to use SMRs for its AI data centres

The advance of AI and its need for large data centres brings with it a serious energy problem for companies. For this reason, Google has reached an agreement with Kairos Power to build seven Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) by 2030.

Artificial intelligence breakthrough to reopen nuclear power plant

Microsoft has signed its largest power purchase agreement to date with Constellation Energy to reactivate the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania, which has been shut down since 2019. The reason is to supply the 835 MW of carbon-free electricity for 20 years to power its artificial intelligence data centres.

A milestone in the US nuclear industry, the reactivation of a decommissioned power station

Holtec International has requested the reactivation of the Palisades nuclear power plant after being closed in 2022 and after 51 years of operation. The regulatory body is expected to make a decision in August 2025.

El OIEA vuelve a confiar en Foro Nuclear como referente educativo

La sede del Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica (OIEA) ha celebrado del 8 al 12 de julio en Viena la reunión “Advancing the Global Monitoring of Marine Plastic Pollution under the IAEA NUTEC Plastics Initiative”, que ha contado con la participación de representantes de 63 países, entre ellos Foro Nuclear.

Is it possible to reduce 80% of existing radioactive waste? Carlo Rubbia says yes

Carlo Rubbia, winner of the 1984 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of the W and Z bosons and Director General of CERN from 1989 to 1993, may revolutionize nuclear fission with a new type of reactor that would reduce 80% of radioactive waste.

There is not only the ITER project. The JET reactor has achieved major milestones in nuclear fusion

The great challenges of making nuclear fusion a reality have led not only to the well-known ITER project but also to other reactors that are also investigating different areas of nuclear fusion, such as the JET reactor.

Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Nuclear technology plays a key role in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Over the past sixty years, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has developed strong technical expertise and experience in providing nuclear medicine and radiotherapy technology to developing countries.

First consumer nuclear power battery could be on the market by 2025

Betavolt Technology, a Chinese company specializing in the manufacture of semiconductors, batteries, and new materials, has announced that it has developed a battery that runs on nuclear power.

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