November 2, 1932 - Birth of Melvin Schwartz who shared the Nobel Prize for his studies on neutrinos

In 1953, he graduated from Columbia University with a degree in physics and, five years later, received his PhD under the guidance of Nobel Prize Isidor Isaac Rabi.

Schwartz began his research on the neutrino under the influence of another Nobel laureate, Tsung-Dao Lee. Together with Leon Max Lederman and Jack Steinberger, he developed a method of detecting neutrinos that made it possible to demonstrate the double structure of leptons. This discovery allowed theorists to develop a scheme, known as the ‘standard model’, for the classification of all elementary particles.

In 1988 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, together with Leon Max Lederman and Jack Steinberger, for their work on the neutrino.

If you want to know more about this scientist, click here: Melvin Schwartz

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