March 16, 1789 – Birth of Georg Simon Ohm, the law bearing his name representing the true beginning of electrical circuit analysis

At the age of 16 he began to study at the University of Erlangen, but lost interest and went to Switzerland, where in 1806, he obtained a position as a mathematics teacher at a school in Gottstadt.

He continued his studies on mathematics until 1811, when he decided to return to his native city. There he received his doctorate in October of that same year and started working for the university and left it a year and a half later.

In 1813, the Bavarian government offered him a teaching position in mathematics and physics at disreputable schools in Bamberg.

In 1817, a great opportunity came as a teacher of mathematics and physics at the Jesuit Lyceum in Cologne, which even had its own well-equipped physics laboratory. Once installed there, Ohm continued his studies in mathematics and later with experimental work in the physics laboratory of the college.

In the Lyceum they allowed him to stay away from teaching for a year in order to continue his research, which allowed him in 1825 to begin publishing the results of his experiments on current and voltage measurements, in which he highlighted the decrease in the electromagnetic force that passes through a cable as it was longer.

In 1827, he published a book in which he exposed his discovery, a theory of electricity in which he established the relationship between the intensity of an electric current, its electromotive force and resistance, formulating in 1827 the law that bears his name. which establishes that I = V/R. He states that the amount of constant current through a material is directly proportional to the voltage across the material divided by the electrical resistance of the material.

Beyond his research on electricity, he was also interested in acoustics, battery polarization and light interference. So, in 1843, he announced the fundamental principle of physiological acoustics, but his hypotheses did not have a sufficiently solid mathematical basis and were refuted.

In addition, the unit of electrical resistance, the ohm (Ω), is named in his honor.

If you want to know more about this scientist, click on: Georg Simon Ohm

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