Magnetic field of a solenoid

Series of experiments related to understanding how electric current is generated

Campo magnético de un solenoide


Build a solenoid (a coil that generates a magnetic field) and see its behavior when an electric current flows through it.


  • Conductive thread.
  • Electrical current source.
  • Iron filings.
  • Compass.
  • Base (sheet of cardboard or cardboard)


Solenoid Construction:

  • Wind the conducting thread in the form of a spring around a pencil.
  • Remove the insulation from the conductor tips.

With these two steps the solenoid is already built.

Solenoid behavior:

  • Poke a hole in the center of the cardboard into which you can insert the solenoid.
  • Spread iron filings, as was done in activity 5, “magnetic field of a magnet”.
  • Connect the source.
  • Tap a few times with a pencil.

Write down what has been observed:





Next, move the compass to one end of the solenoid and note what happens:





Carry out the same operation but at the other end of the solenoid and note what happens:





Swap the source connections and repeat all the steps above.






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