August 19, 1839 – Louis Daguerre presents the daguerreotype

Louis Daguerre announces the invention of the photographic process known as daguerreotype, the first of a chemical nature that made an image remain permanently fixed. This system, a forerunner of modern photography, was based on the use of a layer of silver nitrate that was extended over a copper base. When it was exposed in the camera, the positive was reflected in the mercury. Then, when the plate was immersed in a sodium chloride solution, the image was fixed.

Between the years 1836 and 1838 Daguerre carried out numerous essays prior to disclosure. For example, in 1838, he obtained the well-known view titled Boulevard du Temple, with an exposure of about 10 minutes. This image is considered the first photograph in which silhouettes of people appear: a shoeshine boy and his client, in the lower left corner.

In Spain daguerreotypes were made between 1839 and 1860, while in other countries such as the United States it was used for a longer period of time.

In July 1839, the French government bought this procedure so that everyone could use it freely and without patents.

In Barcelona it is considered that there was the first public demonstration of the daguerreotype on the peninsula, but, to this day, very few views of places are preserved, although many portraits are.

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