The revolving sheet


Make a contribution in turn in writing among the members of a work team.


  • It consists of passing a sheet of paper or any paper support (notebook, cardboard…), and making a contribution in turn in writing, among the members of a work team with the content indicated to them. The person in charge ensures that the shifts are respected.
  • A member of the team begins to write his part of her or her contribution on a "revolving" sheet of paper.
  • Next, he passes it to the next partner following the direction of the needles of the clock so that he writes his part of the task on the sheet of paper, and so on until all the members of the team have participated in solving the task.
  • Before writing the one that is his turn to do at that moment, he first comments to his teammates what he intends to write, so that they can confirm if it is correct or pertinent.
  • While you write, the other members of the team must be aware of it and see if you do it correctly and correct you if necessary. The whole team – not each one only on their part – is responsible for what has been written on the “revolving sheet”


  • A page is passed in which there will only be the following question:
  • Explain the relationship between energy and sustainable development. You can use the following expressions: renewable energy, pollution, responsible consumption…
  • If the children use different colored markers we will know at a glance who has written what. In the upper part of the page, each student writes her name, using a marker of a certain color, which is the same one that she will use every time she writes for him. Thus, at a glance, the contribution of each one can be seen.


One session.

In the last quarter of an hour, each team will read what has been contributed by their entire group.

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